Jeff and Shelagh's website at


A sampling of our ongoing community support!



Of several communities we support, the one closest to our hearts is that segment of the population who have to deal with domestic abuse.

We've donated a portion of every property sale commission to Royal LePage's Shelter Foundation - over $20,000 to date - with proceeds targeted to The Redwood, since 2008.

We applaud Royal LePage's decision to pay 100% of Shelter Foundation's administrative costs, allowing every dollar of proceeds raised to reach those in need.

In addition to commission-based funding, we've participated in and sponsored numerous events with Shelter Foundation or The Redwood as the primary recipient - from Royal LePage's National Garage Sale Days and annual Charity Golf events, to fundraising efforts sponsored by peer Realtors, service clubs, and private citizens in our own neighbourhood.



Jeff and Shelagh donate to childrens' programs
Fall Fête co-chair Nancy Collett with us in 2019
Photo: Jesse

In 2019, we were pleased to return for our 14th year as an active supporter and 11th year as a Platinum Sponsor of High Park's most popular autumn tradition, the annual Fall Fête at Howard Public School!

Featuring a variety of games of skill and chance for children and adults alike, the Fête is our neighbourhood's beloved county fair, featuring the best of future performing talents on stage, the hilarity of an all-ages Cake Walk, a variety of tasty treats served by Roncesvalles' best restauranteurs, delis, and confectioners - and thousands of dollars worth of high quality goods, services, and adventures donated by neighbours, families and businesses to its Silent Auction and Basket Raffle.

Sadly, the Fête was not held in 2020 or 2021.  We extend thanks and best wishes to the organizers, Howard Public School's faculty, and all area students.

Hauntings Included!
Hauntings included!



Like many neighbourhood families, we very much appreciate the good work of volunteers who run the George Bell Hockey Association (GBHA).

From conveners to coaches, officials to off-ice and administrative staff, these tireless folks are as dedicated and enthusiastic as the players!

In addition to providing marketing support for tournaments and donations of hockey equipment, we've also supported George Bell's Help A Kid Play Hockey Fund.

We know our money will be used to help a child who might not otherwise be able to afford hockey, to enjoy the comraderie and joy of our national sport.

Jeff and Rhona of the George Bell Hockey Association

Above:  Rhona Matthewson accepts a cheque from Jeff and Shelagh

For more information about the GBHA's Help A Kid Play Hockey Fund, email Rhona.



Jeff couldn't find a peach to fuzz

For ten years, Jeff let his face grow long to help raise funding in support of Movember, an organization dedicated to funding research into men's often silent health issues.

Don't wait until November to help the men in your life understand - and perhaps even discuss - their health.





"Here he is, a former groundskeeper, putting for the win at the Masters."

Jeff, Mark, and Rob at Caledon Golf and Country Club
      - Carl Spackler

Carl Spackler Property Management - Jeff in disguise as a golfer with Mark Dobronyi and Rob Aucoin - brought their special swing to the Caledon Golf & Country Club

The 20th Annual Royal LePage Charity Golf Tourney generated over $20,000 for the Shelter Foundation and its efforts to assist single parents and children making a fresh start after escaping domestic violence.

The day's forecast was heavy with gophers and chrysanthemums, providing a colourful - and potentially explosive - atmosphere to this scramble golf tourney.

Ever the humble man, Carl provided the following demonstration of swing mechanics for our team:




Great Deals for a Great Cause - sponsored by Jeff and Shelagh

Our first-and-foremost charitable activity.



The word riding brings to mind a 'hood you live in, a red hood you wear, and healthy endeavours.

Add to these, the long-awaited move into spring, held Thursday March 21st at 3030 Dundas West.

We had an excellent night, participating as sponsors, purchasers of some fine Silent Auction jewelry and artwork, and leading a fitness effort on the dance floor.

Excellent news - event promoters Janice Craig and Allen Stuart raised over $2,000 in their efforts to conquer cancer, on behalf of the Campbell Family Institute at Princess Margaret Hospital.

Moebius Stripper was on hand to drive the dance floor action.   Amongst their many musical chestnuts, was a truly memorable cover of Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody.

Silent Auction plus Not-So-Silent Glam Funk Slam Dunk

Wham. Glam. Par-teh? Band!



'Evil Villainry' contest participants
Filmmaker Albert Nerenberg with 'Evil Villainry' contest participants

An appreciative near-capacity crowd at the Revue Cinema
An appreciative near-capacity crowd at the Revue Cinema

'Snort Laugh' champion Maia 'Self Laugh' contest participants 'Self Laugh' contest participants
'Snort Laugh' champion Maia, and 'Self Laugh' contest participants
Recognize yourself?   Let us know and we'll give you the credit you deserve!

Albert and Aaron perform 'The Arrow'
Albert and Aaron perform 'The Arrow'

Albert, Shelagh, and Jeff perform 'The Arrow' with Howard Public Schools' early grades climbing equipment in the background
Albert, Shelagh, and Jeff perform 'The Arrow', good-naturedly of course

What a blast it was to have LAUGHologist guru Albert Nerenberg in our neighbourhood for an evening of fun and frivolity!

Prior to screening Laughology at this Toronto DVD launch, Albert hosted a series of laugh-offs featuring audience member guffaws from the diabolical to the piggish.   Award winners left the stage with prizes graciously donated by local businesses Sweet Thrills, The Film Buff, Scooter Girl and Toys and the Revue Cinema.

The film itself has been referred to by renowned critic Leonard Maltin as "A hidden gem."; the BBC World Service states that "Laughology ... aims to open the eyes of even the most miserable pessimist".

And relieve us of our community's construction and chilly blues it did, as a rare near-capacity crowd at the Revue enjoyed the opportunity to share in some good-natured chortling.

More than exercising the muscles that make us smile, this event also generated over $1,000 for the fourth and final phase of nearby Howard Public Schoolground's Rejuvenation - a set of playground amenities for kids in older grades and the community at large.   Tax-receipted charitable donations are

Our thanks to Kelli of Kamm/Era Media Group for both inspiration and perspiration in bringing the show together, to Chris Ganowski of the High Park Residents' Association for publicity assistance, and to Albert, whose filming of the event is likely to show up in a future documentary.

For more information about Laughology, surf to its Wikipedia page.



photo courtesy Toronto Archives
photo reproduced courtesy of the Toronto Archives

We were proud to help bring the Roncesvalles Centennial Photo Exhibit to the High Park Library from November 12th through December 15th, 2010.

A group of area residents, historians, and archivists brought to light more than 100 photographs showing the people, pasttimes, and streetscapes of this vital neighbourhood over the past 100 years.

The event was presented free of charge to the public by Michael Craig (then Chair of the Sunnyside Community Association), Jeff (then Chair of the High Park Residents Association), and members of the Roncesvalles-Macdonell Residents Association.


© 2004 - 2024 MarsCom; Toronto, Canada, except:

Fall Fête Logo courtesy the Howard Home and School Association

Clip from the movie Caddyshack © MGM Holdings Inc.

Laughology screening photos courtesy of Kelli Kieley © Kamm/Era Media Group

Roncesvalles Organ Grinder photo courtesy of the City of Toronto Archives